Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Break, wisdom teeth, new guitar & foodstamps...

Many threads have woven the fabric of my Spring Break. My eldest daughter got a new guitar, a dreamy one, new from the company & news of downsizing at her work, more time for the guitar? My youngest daughter got all 4 wisdom teeth removed. I finally qualified for Washington State's Basic Health +, dental care for children under the age of 19. She has watched 3 seasons of Weed, a TV series with few redeeming features, in the last 48 hours with the edges of reality blurred by vicodin. Also got my acceptance in the foodstamp program. I will be getting my card in 5-10 business days & have until the end of April to spend $598? Yes, unless the amount is spent in the calendar month of April I lose them. So after months of austerity, bulk buys, Costco runs for milk & eggs ,  what will this spending spree be like? Costco does not accept foodstamps, Trader Joe's does. What will a shopping of that size be like? More tales to tell. 

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