Friday, March 20, 2009

invite the wolf in...

I'm listening for positive words, phrases relating to our bigger picture. Yesterday my violin teacher's mother visited me, commenting that prosperity was around the corner. I have been wrestling with the wolf at the door, somehow hoping to disarm him, I think of the wolf as masculine. Can that as of yet out of sight prosperity be used to tame the wolf? or more likely does the wolf need to be invited in, to dance? or sit down to dinner?  Is the wolf a welcome harbinger of Spring, of facing into our fear thus turning us to the light. How long has it been since America even thought about the wolf? Does he show the way to a more examined life?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

time for homegrown & handmade

Gradually I have been making less & less money. I have been self-employed for 30+ years. I picked up an application for part time work in our local liquor store last week. Decided it wouldn't work. I don't drink & couldn't imagine myself  there. I knew then I needed to keep on my path do further adaptions to keep the ship afloat. I hope to use this forum to gain self knowledge as I feel alone & in new territory. I am not afraid & have honestly enjoyed the lighter work load but know I have to keep my heart, my art & my family  solvent. In this process, more contemplative time, head up after years of producing a line of tiles, what awaits?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

positive requests for enough resources to live...

This is my first blog. We are all reexamining how we maintain ourselves & our families. I have felt great change sweep through both my personal & professional lives. I am one among many. I hope to connect with others experiencing new identities & ways of living in these exciting times. I don't know how this all works but here goes. More soon. Irene